Scratch location set to /scratch – vSAN node on SD card

At the place I work, we experienced continuous “The ramdisk ‘root’ is full” issues on our vSAN ESXi nodes.

The first thing we did was to raise a support call and have vmware check what is filling up the ramdisk.

Support suggested that we need to limit the size of vsantraces to 200MB, and pointed to the below KB Article

This puzzled me, as the vsantraces was not full.

I kept digging and I found out that the scratch partition on the hosts was not pointing scratch -> /tmp/scratch

but it was on / instead.

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Home Lab Environment

Setting up the Home Lab Environment

The main reason behind building a Lab at Home, like many others also do, is to help me study and learn.

The specification of the hardware I used for the Lab can be found here.

To give you a better understanding of the setup and the nesting that is happening, I have drawn the below diagram. You can see that everything is on a single physical machine running VMware ESXi 6.0 U2, and the picture below represents the logical design of my lab. A physical switch, a physical server, and everything else virtual.

Logical Design

Vgnosis Logical Design


The Main Lab “Infrastructure” Setup

Let’s outline what our basic infrastructure components will be for the Lab.

Hostname OS Description Hardware
vgnosisesx01 Vmware ESXi 6.0U2 vGnosis Physical ESXi Host HP Proliant DL360 G7
vgnosis2k01 Windows 2012 R2 vGnosis Domain Controller and DNS Virtual Machine
vgnosisvap01 Virtual Appliance – SLES 11 vGnosis PSC (Platform Services Controller) Virtual Machine
vgnosisvap02 Virtual Appliance – SLES 11 vGnosis VCSA (vCenter Server Appliance) Virtual Machine
vgnosis2k03 Windows 2012 R2 vGnosis VUM (Vmware Update Manager) Virtual Machine
sw01 Cisco IOS vGnosis Cisco Switch Cisco WS-C3750E-48PD
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